August 7, 2013

Azimuth and Mizzen (Part 2) ~A diagnosis for Mizzen

To read this story from the beginning click here. 

For the previous installment of this story click here.

Mizzen's poor little eyes had become infected and painful so I took her to see the Veterinarian. Upon looking at her the Vet knew right away that she was different. She said that Mizzen had been born with an eye defect called eyelid agenesis.

Mizzen and her scary little eye
Her upper eyelids did not form properly and do not have clean hairless margins like eyelids should. Instead her eyelids just blend into her eye in sections and there is hair right up to the edge rubbing her eye. There was more lid missing on the right eye, but the left eye had more hair growing where it shouldn't.  I fashioned a teeny tiny e-collar for her to keep her from rubbing her eyes.

Mizzen at 5 weeks old wearing her tiny E-collar

She was sent home with eye medications and I also had to begin plucking the hair from her eyelids to keep them from scratching her eyes. Mizzen protested a little each time, but you could see the relief she felt afterwards when she could blink comfortably again.  Unfortunately, it usually only took a week for the hairs to start growing back and causing little Mizzen discomfort. She constantly squinted her eyes and her third eyelids were always elevated.

Mizzen Squints before having her eyes plucked
We were given hope that she could someday be comfortable, but it would require surgery. She had to wait until she was big enough to undergo anestesia, so it would be some time until she had an answer to her problem. In the mean time I just kept plucking the problematic hairs as they grew. Imagine having to have your eyelashes pulled out on an almost daily basis.

To read more look for the next installment titled:

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