August 13, 2013

Azimuth and Mizzen (part 4) ~ And then there was one

To read this story from the beginning click here.

To read the previous installment click here.

Christmas time was fast approaching and the kittens were playful and hoping for stocking full of catnip.
Dreaming of mice and sparkle ball cat toys
 The adoption posters has been up for quite a while at this point, but there had not been any takers.
I got a lead for Azimuth when I heard that a friend of a friend was looking for a new family member.
A nice man came to meet Azimuth at my work and seemed to like him very much, but understandably did not feel that they could care for Mizzen's eyes. So I made arrangements for them to pick up Azimuth just before Christmas. 
Azimuth is all ready to meet his new family!
Mizzen did not miss out one bit on the Christmas festivities. She made the trip with me and my family up to Vermont for the Holiday. While she was there she saw snow for the first time, and met lots of new people at the annual Christmas party.
Mizzen can't understand why it's so darn cold!
I've had enough! Pick me up!
Ahh! So much better.
I had hoped that someone in my family or one of my friends would want Mizzen, but no one was able to make her a part of their family. It wasn't for not trying. My mom tried to smuggle her home a few times, but she didn't feel that she was ready for a cat just yet (our family cat had passed just the year before at the age of 18).  So when Christmas was over we packed up the kitties and made our way back to Virginia. Mizzen went right back to being a kitten and playing with her other feline friends. I went back to plucking her eyes every few days and keeping them medicated when they looked irritated.
Mizzen played with the box more then the toy that came in it!
As Mizzen grew older and was getting big enough to go under anesthesia, I began to think about getting her eyes evaluated for surgery. 

To read more look for the next installment titled:

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