October 7, 2013

Four tiny tabbies (Part 6) ~ Westleigh the First

To read this story from the beginning click here.

To read the previous installment click here.

Westleigh , Kilara and the other kittens had finally made a full recovery and their ulcers were gone. They had resumed their vaccination regimen and were once again acting like normal healthy kittens, or in Westleigh's case at least normal for him.  They were all getting big enough to enter the adoption program with the Suffolk Humane Society, but I worried that Westleigh may be hard to adopt out.   
It was hard to get a clear picture of Westleigh because of his wobbling

Get the Feathers!!

Fortunately for him one of the other assistants at work was totally in love with him. She had a special cat while she was growing up and just loved Westleigh's quirks. I was excited that he would be able to find a home first before any of his other siblings. He was such a nice kitten he really deserved a home of his own. 

Look at that adorable face!
I think I hear my new mom!
My co-worker came over and picked him up on a Saturday and took him home with her.  He was not happy about the carrier, but I have been told that he loves his new family and even tolerates their dog. He even got a new name! Now he goes by "Mathew Purry" and is affectionately called "Mr. Purry".  
Mathew Purry just before he went home

While Mathew Purry was settling into his new home and feeling superior to the family dog, I was making arrangements for his siblings to be fixed and accepted into the SHS adoption program. The kittens in the mean time were just taking it easy and being silly kittens. 

To read more about the kittens look for the next installment titled:
Silly little Kittens

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